Once, I found myself in Germany, in a small shop that sells these natural, ecological, not-genetically manipulated products without pesticides, that are grown by small producers. Standing there, I saw the last package of black beans on the shelf. It was as if I had found a gold nugget in a small creek. I held the package of half a kilo black beans in my hand and searched for the procedence of the product. Made in China. But it was black beans, and that is all that matters.
Fiz uma feijoada pra mim, que durou por dois dias, e resolvi fazer outra, pra mais gente. Percebi que o grupo de pessoas que eu convidaria contém membros vegetarianos, então eu pesquisei por feijoadas vegetarianas. Caramba, acho que o princípio básico da feijoada vegetariana é: sopa de legumes com feijão no meio. Muito bem. Eu tinha decidido o cardápio. Faltava a ocasião. As pessoas da B.00.74 resolveram se juntar mais uma vez antes da Páscoa, pra cozinhar. Ofereci a minha casa e a feijoada. Aceitaram. Agora só faltava achar mais feijão preto.
I made a feijoada for me, that lasted for two days, and decided to make another one, for more people. I realized that the group of people I would invite contained vegetarian members. All right, I made some research on vegetarian feijoadas and came to the conclusion that their basic principle is: vegetable soup with black beans. Fine, I had the menu, I just needed an occasion. The people at the B.00.74 wanted to have some dinner together before Easter. I offered my place and the feijoada. They accepted the invitation. Now I needed to get more black beans.
Pedalei de volta até aquela bio-loja na Alemanha, mas ela tava fechada. Só abrem de quinta, sexta e metade de sábado. Maravilha. Segui até Kranenburg, porque eu lembrava que lá tem uma loja Fair Trade, com produtos "exóticos" do mundo todo, especialmente Terceiro Mundo. Fechada. Mudei de estratégia: em vez de continuar procurando sozinha por feijão preto, vou pedir ajuda. Mandei e-mails pra galera, convidando pra feijoada, se (e somente se) eu achasse feijão preto em Nijmegen. Preocupados, me mandaram sugestões de lojas de produtos asiáticos, naturais, biológicos e indecifráveis, e até mesmo um plano B, se nada daquilo desse certo. Parecia ser tarefa difícil, achar feijão preto em Nijmegen...
I cycled back to that bio-shop in Germany, but it was closed. They only open on Thursdays, Fridays and half of Saturdays. Wonderful. I continued down to Kranenburg, because I remember there was a Fair Trade shop, were they sell "exotic" products from all over the world, especially the Third World. Closed. I changed my strategy: instead of keeping searching for black beans all by myself, I will ask for help. I sent people e-mails, inviting them for the feijoada, if (and only if) I found black beans in Nijmegen. Concerned, people sent me suggestions of shops that sell asian, natural, biological and undefined food, and even thought of a plan B, just in case everything else fails. Finding black beans in Nijmegen seemed to be a hard task.
Minha lista de candidatos começava pela loja chinesa (por pura analogia com o rótulo Made in China). Fui até lá de manhã. Tinha feijão de tudo quanto é cor, menos preto. Sim, temos feijão preto. Está aqui. Não está aqui. Não temos feijão preto. Quinta-feira. Outra loja chinesa, ali, mas abre 10 horas. A caminho da outra loja chinesa, reparei que tinha feira. Nem sabia que tem feira na segunda, achava que era só no sábado. Eu tinha 20 minutos até a outra loja chinesa abrir.
My list of candidates began with a chinese shop (this is pure analogy with the label Made in China). I went down there this morning. There were beans in all possible colors, but for black. Yes, we have black beans. Here. They are not here. We don´t have black beans. Thursday. Other chinese shop, over there, but opens 10 o´clock. On my way to the other chinese shop, I noticed there was a market going on. I didn´t know there is a market on Monday, I thought it was only on Saturday. I had 20 minutes before the other chinese shop would open.
Caminhando pela feira, reparei que ela é mais cheia: mais tecidos, mais flores, mais frutas e vegetais. Dei uma olhada na barraca do turco, de quem eu sempre compro azeitonas. Ele tinha feijão preto! E farinha de milho! E erva doce! Maravilha! Quem diria que eu ia achar feijão preto na feira, na barraca do turco...
Walking through the market, I noticed this one was fuller: more fabric, more flowers, more fruits and vegetables. I took a look at the turkish stand, where I usually buy olives. He had black beans! And cornflour! And Venchel! Wonderful! Who would have thought that I would find black beans at the market, with the turkish guy...
3 comentários:
ah I love it when you translate it in English !!
Thanks for the Feijoadas! that was great !
Oi Iglou,
Did you ever find those feijão around Nijmegen? I want to prepare feijoada for my parents, but missing a key ingredient ;)
Yes, I did. Probably in the chinese shop.
Good luck!
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