Ocupa o espaço de um prédio de 5 andares e é baiscamente vertical. Quem escala, pode escolher o térreo ou o andar de cima, que é a posição de onde essa foto foi tirada.
The Climbing Hall occupies the space of a 5-story building and is basically vertical. Those who climb, can choose the ground floor or the first floor, from which this picture was taken.
Pedi ao meu guia que me desse direções. Ele sorriu, apontou para o alto com o indicador e disse: pra cima.
I asked my guide for directions. He smiled, pointed his finger to the ceiling and said: up.
In order to climb, you have to pay to enter (you can stay as long as you want) and own or rent the shoes, harness, mosqueton and eight. In fact, you have to know how to climb as well, but for that requirement I had a good guide and a weak memory. Practice, though, I have little. And this became evident to the other climbers: a guy came to me and warned me (when belaying) that I was holding the rope in a hazardous manner for the one climbing. Errare humanum est. But we learn!
Tanguy, my brave and patient guide. Corageous, because he trusted me to belay him (this sounds odd, I know... but it is not pronographic!!!) while he climbed routes with tiny and sparse grips, and patient because he didn´t show signs of alarm when he heard I was not giving him proper security. And because once I let him down, without giving him the chance to put the mosquetons back on the rope. Poor Tanguy, he had to climb everything up again.
On sunday I had gone to the climbing hall with Boti (Tanguy showed up later) and managed some easy routes. I completed some more than once, but I wasn´t able to finish others. Since then I noticed some progress: today I could complete the routes I had left unfinished on sunday, and I was given the responsibility to give Tanguy security (I am avoiding ambiguous terms, êh!). I also noticed a drastic change in the age of the people there: on sunday the walls were full of children. Yes, that´s right! Awsome kids, real good climbers, fast and keeping on the route, not taking grips of an other color. Who would have thought that climbing can be such fun for kids!!! Well, I used to climb trees, walls separating houses, gates and other things, but as a kid, I was never taken to a climbing gym. For me, the people who climb were always similar to the people who skydive. Many men and few women, all inconditionally addicted to the sport, in a way that they show their tatoos, stickers and other forms of expressing this passion for adrenaline and for the jump out of routine.
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